What to bring on the journey?
I just started to think about this. Time will help to develop a finalized list. This is the approach I am planning on taking.
I am going to use a rack. Front or rear I am not sure as of yet. I am going to put them on the bike in the beginning of april and get used the ride. As far as what I am going to be carrying on the rack,the less stuff the better.
1. Clothing:
a. cycling shorts-2-3 pairs
b. rain gear
c. warm sleeping clothes
d. winterizing material
e. socks, socks,socks
f. a couple wool jersey should suffice for tops.
2. food
a. power bars and energy drink mix
b. pb and j's
c. snacky foods.
Enough food to get me to the next town that has a store.
3. Water. Crucial part of this. I might where a camelback, or at least have a bladder mounted somehow on the bike.
4. a thermas for coffee and hot things, it has potential of being freezing, prepare for that.
5. Sleeping:
a. there are two options as far as I am concerned. 1. carry a tent and sleeping bag and all the necessaties to camp along the way. 2. Sleep in a hotel.
I personally think that sleeping in a hotel is going to be the most appealing option. My reasoning for this is that we may be riding in the rain the entire trip. Once by body tempeture goes down I have a hard time getting it back up. Hot showers usually do the trick. Also there would be all the sleeping equipment needed already in the room for me and I didn't have to carry it on my bike the whole time.
If other people would like to throw in on the hotel that would be the best plan. It would be cheap and comfortable. Just a thought.
The next step is deciding where the first stop should be. Each person has their own approach but I am going to try to ride 200 miles the first day. I have not figured where this will put me but that is on my list of things to do.
I am now going to make a logo and try to get us some sponsorship. Tallk to you soon.